Really cheesy cheese muffins


1/2 cupshredded cheddar
1/4 cupflour
1/2 tspbaking powder
1/2 tbspgarlic butter
1 tbspregular boring butter
2 tbspricotta cheese
Splashes of milk +

How to make it :

Preheat oven to 350F
In a bowl, mix flour and baking powder thoroughly, then add in shredded cheddar
Melt both butters, and whisk in egg and ricotta cheese. (my recipes show a trend of garlic butter and ricotta cheese...still haven't used it all up)
Mix the dry and wet ingredients, and add milk to get a moist dough consistency. Should be like playdoh
Plop dough into muffin tins. This recipe splits into 4, but it depends on how big your tin is.
Bake for 20 minutes. Your final product should look and smell AMAZING. YAAS
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