Best Vegetables For Type 2 Diabetics


 The best vegetables for type 2 diabetics are low on the glycemic index (GI) scale, rich in fibre, or high in blood pressure-lowering nitrates.

Why choose vegetables? When considering foods to avoid, many people with diabetes might think about sugary or high-carbohydrate foods, such as cinnamon rolls or bread. Certain vegetables, however, can also cause blood glucose issues.

The GI refers to how rapidly foods cause blood sugar levels to rise. Foods high on the GI, for example, most potatoes, quickly release glucose, potentially activating blood glucose spikes. They can likewise cause weight gain when eaten in excess.

Low to moderate GI vegetables, for example, carrots, offer better blood glucose control, and a lower danger of weight gain.

Nitrates are synthetic compounds (chemicals) that naturally occur in some vegetables. They are also used as preservatives in some foods.

Eating nitrate-rich foods, not foods processed with added nitrates, can lower blood pressure, and enhance general circulatory well-being.

This means that nitrate-rich foods, such as beets, are among the best vegetables for people with type 2 diabetes who have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. This is still true despite their high level of carbohydrates.

The key to good food management, in this instance, is to reduce carbohydrate consumption elsewhere, such as by eliminating bread or sugary snacks.

Fibre and protein are both very important in a healthful diabetes diet. Protein is vital for good health, and can help people feel fuller for longer, reducing the urge to snack and supporting weight loss. Many dark, leafy greens are rich in many vital nutrients, fibre, and contain protein.

Fibre can help control blood glucose levels.

It also supports healthy cholesterol levels, can lower blood pressure, and relieve constipation. Like protein, fibre can help people feel fuller for longer.

Examples of GI values of foods:

Frozen green peas score 39 on the GI index, Carrots score 41 when boiled and 16 when raw, Broccoli scores 10, Tomatoes score 15. Eating a wide variety of foods, including a mix of the best vegetables for type 2 diabetes, can help people stay healthy while enjoying a range of meals.

Low GI: Vegetables, with GI scores less than 30, include: artichoke




green beans




snow peas



It is worth remembering that the GI gives a relative value to each food item, and it does not refer to an amount of sugar. The glycemic load (GL) refers to how much a person will eat in a serving.

Healthy Nitrates Food-nitrates: Vegetables rich in nitrates include:


beets and beet juice





Daily protein recommendations depend on a person’s size, sex, activity level, and other factors. People should speak to a doctor for the best insight on what their ideal daily protein intake is.

Pregnant or lactating women, highly active people, and those with large bodies need more protein than others.

Vegetables higher in protein include:


pak choy


mustard greens


Brussels sprouts



Most people need 25-38 grams (g) of fibre each day.

The American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommend 25 g per day for women, and 38 g per day for men.

This recommendation varies depending on body size and similar factors.

Fibre should come from real food, not supplements.

Vegetables and fruits with high fibre content include:



broccoli artichoke

Brussels sprouts

split peas


Vegan or vegetarian food:

Eating vegan or vegetarian with diabetes Eating a vegan or vegetarian diet can prove challenging for people with diabetes. Animal products are generally the most protein-rich options, but vegans avoid dairy and other animal products.

Some of the best vegan protein-rich options include:


beans and chickpeas



pumpkin seeds

amaranth and quinoa

sprouted grain bread

soy milk

(these are examples and some may have more carbs than others) A vegan or vegetarian person who has diabetes can eat a balanced diet. Nuts, seeds, and lentils offer high protein, often with few calories.

Healthful diabetes meals:

Any meal that blends several of the ingredients listed above offers excellent nutrition. To keep meals healthy and flavourful, people should avoid using lots of added salt, or relying on pre-packaged ingredients that are high in sodium.

People with diabetes should watch the number of calories in their food, too. Excess calories can turn an otherwise healthful meal into something that leads to excessive weight gain. Not enough calories (long term) can/will lower your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) and can be irreversible.

Balancing less healthful foods with more nutritious ones is a way to remain healthy. People with diabetes who want to eat well, should focus on a balanced overall approach to nutrition.

There is a risk that forbidding certain foods can make them feel even more appealing (this usually does not apply to (LCHF) Low Carb High Fat (WOE) Way Of Eating), and this can lead to less control of diet choices and blood sugar over time.

People should eat a wide variety of foods from all food groups, and consider eating five to seven small meals instead of three large meals. NOTE: This is an old research and three, even two meals per day are just fine with introduction of (IF) Intermittent Fasting. About that a little bit later.

What happened to fruit?

Maybe you are wondering what happened to fruit. Why is it missing from here? We have always been told that fruit is a must to have every day. Fruit is very healthy, we have been told all the time. But is it, really?

As type 2 diabetics, your whole body is full of sugar. This is nothing new. Fruit is sugar, fruit makes us fat, so why would you eat more of it. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it. “Let me give an example from an animal world. In the animal world, fruit is eaten only before the long migrations or before winter, to store energy(fat) for survival. Animals don’t eat fruit just because its tasty as humans do. They eat it because the sugar from fruit is stored as fat and used for energy later.”

We need to burn off the sugar that is already stored in our bodies. We don’t need any more. Ahh, now you’re thinking about all the vitamins that fruit provide. Good thinking, but all the vitamins can also be found in vegetables, minus the sugar. But, occasionally, a handful of berries should not cause any problems. Limit them, have them as a treat once a week with full fat Greek yogurt.

Just a little bit about fructose, the type of sugar in fruit. It’s also found in various sugary sweeteners like high- fructose corn syrup and agave syrup. If a product lists added sugar as one of its main ingredients, you can be pretty sure it’s high in fructose.

Why Is Fructose Bad for You?

Glucose and fructose are metabolized very differently by the body.

While every cell in the body can use glucose, the liver is the only organ that can metabolize fructose in significant amounts.

When people eat a diet that is high in calories and high in fructose, the liver gets overloaded and starts turning the fructose into fat.

Many scientists believe that excess fructose consumption may be a key driver of many of the most serious diseases of today. These include obesity, type II diabetes, heart disease and even cancer.

Now, we have covered carbohydrates and we have had a look at best vegetables. Fruit section is really short one and unfortunately, there isn’t much to add to it.

But we still need to cover a very important group of macro-nutrients. Without them it would be near impossible to sustain a low carb diet without complications. The last group of macro-nutrients are Fats.

Ever since fat was demonized, people started eating more sugar, refined carbs and processed foods instead. As a result, the entire world has become fatter and sicker. However, times are changing.

So, let’s have a look at the 10 High Fat Foods that are incredibly healthy.

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